
Friday, February 21, 2014

Horoscope (Jack Harries) 2

A/N: I only own my characters and the story. The twin aren't mine. It'll be good if they're mine, though... Okay, whatever. Thanks for the 30+ views, guys! I really appreciate it. Thank you!

Gwen's Point of View
Samuel steps on the brake, and the car stops right in front of the lobby. Me, who was holding to my phone, quickly put it inside my bag and taps the leather two times as I grow a smile on my face. I put my red strands of hair that were hanging loosely before my nose behind my ear, and I take a deep breath. And then let it out again. I can see that Sam is staring at me like I'm some kind of a weird weirdo or something.
I turn my head to my left. I can feel the excitement already! I hope it will turn out well. I hope I won't scream when Jack and or Finn says hello to me. And Eric, too. I think today is the luckiest day for Cancer! I didn't see the ranking earlier, I'll see it later.
I take a slight glance at the clock above the radio, and---holy shit. It's freaking 12.25. I whip my head to my little brother, and give him a glare. "Didn't I tell you to be fast?" I said, trying not too sound so harsh. He's my brother, after all.
He taps on the window beside him as his other hand scratches his cheek awkwardly. "Well, there was some sort of accident..." he says with his thick British accent.
Actually, there is no point of fighting like this. I should hurry. I give Samuel the last glare before saying, "alright, fine." I open the door and push it, making a gap between the door and the car, and leave the car from the gap. Right before I left, I wave my hand at Sam, and from the looks of it, he waved back at me. I chuckle at this. He can be cute at some times.
I walk into the mall with my bag hanging on my shoulder. I go inside the automatic door, and immediately bump into a stranger. I look up, and only to see a big guy standing before me. He is much more taller than I am. He's scary, I thought. He's just like a criminal.
Before I even have the chance to apologize, the stranger gives me a death glare and hisses at me. It gives me goosebumps just from that guy. I'm lucky that I did not fall. If I did, damn, I will be embarrassed as hell.
I shake my head, trying to remove the embarrassing scene just now, and walk aimlessly again. I actually don't know where am I going. What did Heather say about the place? Where should I meet them again? Ah, damn the guy I bumped into. Because of him, I forgot everything. Like, literally.
I reach for my bag and open the zippers. I put my hand inside the bag, and open it more wider, so that I can see what's inside. I am not like the usual girls like Heather and my other girl friends, who puts make up and a hair dryer inside her bag. I am the technology woman---I like gadgets. Just look inside my bag. An iPad, my Samsung Galaxy Note 3, an iPod, a headset, a powerbank, my hard disk that I brought for no reason at all, and my cable data that I also brought for no apparent reason at all. And a wallet. Yeah, probably that is all.
I take out my phone from my bag. My phone is the only reason I opened my lovely bag. I slide the screen to unlock it, making the wallpaper became blurry. There's a message.
1 new message
I raise an eyebrow. I tap on the notification, and see that the sender of the message was Heather. Uh, oh. I can feel myself smiling awkwardly as I tap on the message. I freeze when I read it.
Hey, you're too slow. The movie has just started :p I told Jack to wait for you. You know his face, rite? Just tap on his shoulder and introduce yourself. I bought you the ticket. Where's the thanks, huh? ;)
In a second, I have found myself smiling widely, my eyes are sparkling. I can't believe this. I hold my cheek---it's hot. It must be red in this very second. Jack Harries. My mind is screaming his name non-stop. I always tell Heather that Jack is my favorite Harries, and now---Agh, somehow I regret it, but a big part of me didn't. My eyes are wide, and I'm grinning like a madman. Some people are staring, which of course makes me embarrassed, but still. This is because of that guy! That younger Harries. I keep muttering the word 'oh my goodness' over and over again, because I just can't believe this. I'm going to meet Jack Harries. And later, I will meet MuFinn too.
I already found myself walking towards the escalator that's going up with my phone still in my hand. I can't help but to run on the escalator to boost my speed up, since there's not much people on the escalator. I never run in a mall before, because I think it's embarrassing and the security would think that you are a thief. But not now, people. Not now.
I run to the next escalator, not even bothered to look at the things around me. I haven't bump into someone, and that is just cool. If I remember correctly, the cinema was in the highest floor, and the mall has around 5 floors. That means I have to step on four escalators. That is nothing for me, I've done something more extreme than that.
I am currently on the third escalator, when my phone suddenly vibrates. I raise an eyebrow, and again unlock the phone again. It's another message. I tap on the message, but it's an unknown number. I don't know that number. Who's this? The message said,
is this gwen? Where are you right now?
I furrow my eyebrows, and without thinking any further, I tap on the reply button. Who are you? Send. I didn't put my phone back in my bag, instead, I hold onto it, waiting for it to vibrate again. And then it vibrates when I was on my way to the fourth escalator. I open the message. My eyes widen in surprise. The reply has more than one sentence, but I only read the first sentence. And that sentence already makes me scream.
I'm Jack Harries.
Where did Jack get my number from? Probably Heather. “That damned Heather,” I mutter as I fasten my walking pace. My mouth then keeps insulting Heather with bad words, but the smile on my face just won't wear off. Please, weird smile, go away, like, right now. As I step onto the last escalator, I take it easy and don't run. I take a deep breath before looking down to the ground floor. I just notice that I'm almost on the most top floor, which makes me like, high! Oh, wow. I'm sorry, Charlie McDonnell.
A few minutes after that, I already found myself inside the crowded cinema. It's very crowded, maybe it's even more crowded than the lobby. Yeah, I'm sure it's more crowded than the lobby.
After the security checked my bag, making sure than I wasn't carrying anything suspicious like foods from the outside or bombs, I walk around aimlessly. Again. I look at the movies that are showing now. What are we going to watch? I forgot. There's RoboCop, I Frankenstein, Devil's Due, Lego something... And there he is.
I approach a man with an attractive face---scratch that, a very attractive face. His brown hair is flipped to the left, and his face is round and it looks like it's soft. His face is also a little bit childish, and it's even more childish that he's currently sipping on his drink with a straw. It's cute, well, at least for me. His green eyes look around cautiously. Sometimes his eyebrows would raise, and blink. He is tiptoeing as he fixes the proportion of his hat. He wears a plain black shirt and a baggy blue jeans. His other hand that is not holding his drink is gripping onto something white---probably the tickets.
As I approach him and getting more closer and closer to him, my ears catch some whispers around me. Girls' whispers. Fangirls' whispers, to be exact.
Whoa, is that really...?!”
I can't believe it!”
What is he doing here...?”
Yeah, things like that. Of course. Typical fangirls. ...Can someone get me a mirror?
When I am close enough to him, I wave my hand at the handsome guy, and give him my most charming smile. “Jack, right?” I ask, making sure that he is that British YouTuber, Jack Harries.
Jack hums at me as a reply. He drinks his drink first, before licking his lip sexily. “Hmm, I am,” he said. He stays silent for some seconds, staring at me from head to toe, which makes me feel a bit awkward, but then he clenches his fist, saying, “oh! You must be Gwen that Heather was talking about!”
Holy shit, I curse in my mind. I am still smiling on the outside as I nod, but on the inside, I'm actually screaming like a girl. I take a deep breath, holding back my typical fangirl scream. I tried to act normal and natural, as if he is no one amazing. “Yep!” I answer casually with a small smile.
Jack returns my smile, that my ovaries almost exploded. Blood almost drips down from my nose. It's a good thing that it didn't. “My name is Jack Harries,” he says, offering me a handshake, which I accept it with all my heart.
I wanted it to be a small laugh, but instead, I squeal. “I already know, sheesh,” I say, still acting as if I'm not a fan of him. I don't want him to hate me, and so I decided to act as usual. “I'm a fan of you,” I state.
That's not really surprising,” Jack grins cheekily. He, who was much more taller than me, pats me on the head, messing with my hair. “Heather told me almost every detail about you.” He throws his drink to the trash bin, and it went in perfectly, the same time as my face turned red. Son of a...
Oh,” Jack starts, pointing at my face. “It's the same color as your hair.” He'2s totally mocking me.
You shithead,” I slap his back lightly, not wanting to hurt him. But it's hard enough to make him groan. I shake my head as I massage my head, and point at the tickets Jack is holding onto. “What are we going to watch?” Seriously, referring the two of us with we is really embarrassing. For me, I don't know about him.
Jack gives me one of the tickets. I can see that I'm going to sit at G 11, and Jack is going to sit at G 13. I hope Heather or some of girls is beside me. We're going to watch the movie in Studio 3. I read the title of the movie we're going to watch. It starts with an E. Endless Love.
We're watching Endless Love.”
What,” I say spontaneously. I look around to see the picture of the movie, and when I see it, I twitch. This kind of movie isn't my type of genre. I don't really like romance movies---except if I can relate myself to it. I put on a disgusted face as I walk towards Studio 3, “why.”
Jack gives me a questioning look, but I ignore him. I don't want to disappoint him---especially Heather, who bought the ticket for me. She's so nice, but sometimes she's annoying too. In a good way, that is. Romance is never in my genre. My favorite genres are science fiction and a true story. Also horror. Those are my favorite genres---not this! This is bullshit, man. I have no idea what's the story line in this movie. And Endless Love? Wow, so cliché.
Within seconds, I already found myself standing in front of Studio 3 with Jack beside me. I give Jack my ticket so that he can give it to the person that is waiting in front of the Studio. I don't know how to call him.
I nudge Jack on the side, and give him the ticket. He raises both of his eyebrows, as if demanding an explanation. I click my tongue. Why, suddenly I become so rude. Jack must have thought that I'm a good girl, but nope. That is completely wrong, audience.
Give 'em the tickets,” I say, trying to sound calm.
Kay,” Jack shrugs before giving the person the tickets. The person professionally tear the tickets into two, and gives us one of them.
Enjoy the movie,” he says, giving both of us a slight smile. I really want to return his smile, but I'm in a bad mood. Smiling when you're in a bad mood is just a nightmare.
As I step inside, the surroundings begin to darken, and in front of us two there's a giant screen showing a girl. Probably the main character. I check my phone as I walk toward the seat; it's 12.36. We only missed a few minutes of the beginning, good.
My thoughts were interrupted by me tripping on the stair. My phone has already fell to the ground, but I still try to balance myself, trying not to fall. But in the end I fall. I close my eyes, ready for the pain that will appear soon on my chin and embarrassment that will soon appear inside me. I wait for my body to hit the ground and laughter cracks up, but nothing came up. Instead I hear gasps. And the feel when someone is holding your shoulder.
You okay?” the voice asks. It's the voice that I just hear a few moments ago.
I open both of my eyes, and abruptly stand up in a normal position again, helped by Jack. I can feel my face heats up, and it's a good thing that it's very, very dark here.
Y-Yeah, I'm fine,” I stutter, but I make sure that it sounded like I'm in pain, not because of embarrassed.
You sure?” Jack asks again. He's too worried.
Before I can even answer him, someone not so far from us waves her hand. I can't see well in the dark, but I know she has a short hair. Bob-styled, probably. She signals us to come up to her. I wince to get a better look, and within seconds, I immediately know who she is.
Let's go there,” I say, tiptoeing toward my seat---G 11. I turn my head to Jack, making sure that he's following me. But what I found is Jack---staring at me curiously. I quickly turn away, embarrassed.
When I was right beside Heather, I quickly check who's beside me. Amy, one of my best friend, that we get along because of The Hunger Games, and... Oh shit.
Actually, it's not actually a problem for me, since I can act.
I let Jack sit first, because his seat is more far than mine. When he went inside the row, I said, “ladies first,” with a low tone. He stifled his laugh because of it. I guess I am funny.
After that, I sit on my own seat, between Amy and Eric. Amy has a long hair, and is wearing a glasses. To be honest, she looks prettier with it. Once I saw her without the glasses, and she was... very... unique... I guess...?
I don't want to describe Eric. Just, he has a messy black hair and is also wearing a glasses. His eyes are also black, pitch black. Done.
Yo,” Eric winks at me, grinning from ear to ear. I'm used to it.
I smile at him, “hello, Eric.” And we stopped there, not even bothered to continue the conversation.
I glance to the popcorn on his lap. Oh, cool caramel popcorn. I spontaneously take the popcorn and put it in my mouth. I am amused to his shocked and sad face. It's just cute. Wait, did I seriously just think about that?
I feel someone's eyes on me, but when I take a look around, I can't see anything. It's not like that I can't see, but it's just too dark. I look at Jack who's talking to Finn, and sometimes Finn would stare at me. My face went red, and Finn chuckle, but Jack hit him in the shoulder playfully. I guess.

Ugh, whatever. Let's just watch this piece of crap.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Horoscopes [Jack Harries x OC...?]

Summary: Gwen Husher is a beautiful redhead. But the thing is---she swears and she is not very ladylike. Her addiction to horoscopes makes her quite nerdy to people. She always checks on her horoscope everyday, just to check if it's the fine to talk to her crush today. Gwen and her crush shares the same interests that makes her like him more: YouTubers. But then she meets the younger twin of the Harries, Jack Harries. As a fangirl, wouldn't it be normal for her to scream when they first met?
Rate: T because of swearing.
Disclaimer: Finn and Jack Harries are not mine.
Warning: Bad grammar and weird story plot.
A/N: Lately I've been addicted to horoscopes and JacksGap. So why not combine both, and make a fanfiction? 


Gwen's Point of View.

I stare back at the person in front of me. A person very identical to me. That person is so pretty, with her light pair of blue eyes, and her red and wavy long hair that reaches her back. Her lip is so kissable, with red lipstick painted on it. I can see that she has a really pretty smile, along with her pink and rosy cheeks. She sat in front of me in a ladylike pose---her leg crossed on another, and her right elbow against her thigh, also her palm against her chin. Her red hair stylishly falls from her right shoulder, and her bangs is styled to the right, but somehow it won't fall down to her eyes. She is very pretty, I admit. But...

"Fuck it."

I take my comb from my dresser and throw it at the person. The comb came back to me, even though that person also throw a comb to me. As the comb landed to the floor, I looked down to my sneakers as I slowly massage my forehead. I glance up to the person again, and that person is also glancing at me. I quickly look down again. And guess what?

Yes, that person in front of me is me. Oh, um. My mirror.

I, Gwen Husher, am currently in front of my dressing table, and depressed. 'Why' you ask? Well, how should I answer this...

So, today I'm going to go to the mall with my friends. Around fourteen people, I guess. And, you know what? My crush is going to be there! I can scream like a fangirl seeing Harry Styles. Oh, wait, no. I don't like Harry Styles. Sorry, guys. My crush's name is Eric. Personally, I like him wearing a glasses. Well, he is wearing a glasses. A glasses for fashion, that is. He is also the smartest guy in school, even though we share the same interest: YouTubers.

I groan out loud, maybe even my brother can hear me downstairs.

"What's up, Gwen?" My brother calls up from downstairs. Oh, I knew it already.

I roll my eyes. "No, it's nothing. My friend just hang up on me," I lied. Praise me I lied so easily.
My brother answered with a loud 'OK', and then I'm back in depression. Look, my crush is going to be there, but then there's a friend who has cousins. And her cousins are---oh my God, I can't say this. I'm going to scream, like, literally. My favorite YouTuber at all time.

I pull my red hair, screaming with no voice, my mouth is literally open as I see the me now in front of me. They're JacksGap! I am soooo going to scream.

Okay, now, the main problem is, I am confused what to wear and what to use to be my make up. People always tell me that I'm beautiful in their first glance. Yes, first glance. But I don't. I don't want to sound bragging, but really. I don't like myself. I don't hate, but I don't like it. I am beautiful, yes, thank you. But I am not ladylike, I don't know how to walk with highheels, I don't know how to comfortably use a skirt, I don't know how to wear a corset---nope. I know nothing. I can't even use a single make up! Except lipsticks. Yeah.

"Ugh..." I massage my head again, looking up to the mirror---to the reflection of me. Oh God, my clothes. I'm still in my white T-Shirt with a text "I miss you 24 hours a day," and followed with a long skinny jeans. No, that's just... No.

My mom is outside London, so I can't ask her about fashion. I can't ask my brother or my father, that'll be embarrassing. "Oh my gosh, if only mother was here..." I mutter, when suddenly my phone rings the song 'Cry Me a River' by Justin Timberlake.

My phone is right beside me, but it feels like 50,000,000 kilometers to take it. I want to take it so bad, because I can see from here that the caller is Heather, my friend plus JacksGap's cousin. But I'm too lazy to do so. "Ah, shit."

I slowly lift up my hand, moving it to the phone robotically (is that even a word?). I took the phone and press the green button, signing that I receive the phone call. I then quickly put my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 against my right ear. With a fake hoarse voice, I talk to Heather, "whaaa~...ttt....??"

"Gweeeen!" She is literally screaming at me. Oh no, she's scary when she's mad. I wince.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Seriously, where are you? You are like, the last one to arrive! We're all here at the mall!"

I roll my eyes for the second time today. I click my tongue. "Okay, sheesh. So, I'm the last one to arrive there?" I can hear her nod.

"Okay, fine. But I blame on you later if I wear badly, a'right?" I arched an eyebrow at my reflection, imagining that she's Heather.

Heather clicks her tongue, "fine, just---hurry up. The movie's starting in half an hour!"

"Well, shit." I quickly turn off the phone and throw it to my comfy and messy bed. You can imagine what girl's bed is like, right? Yeah, of course you can.

I tiptoed half run to the wardrobe, taking out everything I see as a good clothes. I take a white sleeveless V-neck shirt and a short jeans. I quickly take out all of my clothes before and change them with it. I stare at myself at the mirror again---better than earlier, nah. Then I use two bracelets on my right hand and a watch on my left hand. I also use a cap on my head. A blue cap, that is cool, yeah. 

I take a look at my clock at wall above the door. 12.07. Still half and an hour, calm down. Yeah, I'll be calm if there's no traffic jam. If there is---well, I'm dead. Literally. Heather will kill me.

I snatch my bag that was on my bed with me. Inside my bag, there are my phone, my wallet, my power back, my make up back (do I even need that?), my note book, and other useless things.
I run downstairs like a freaking runner champion or whatever you call it. My brother who was downstairs, watching Adventure Time, glances at me from the corner of his green eyes. "When are you going?" he asks.

I fold my arm, tapping my shoes to the ground. I opened my mouth wide, and then say, "NOW."
"Fine, fine!" My brother---namely Samuel---turned off teh TV with the remote, clicking a button somewhere around the remote, and then stands up from the sofa. He let out a long sigh, and turn to me. "Where are you going?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Why do you ask?"

"To tell mom and dad."

Nah, he's just worried about me, but he doesn't want to see us see the real and caring Sam. Huh, what a weirdo.

"I'm going to the usual mall with my friends, thank you," I say, hand on my hip. "Now let's just go." I grab Sam by the arm, also taking the car's key that was on the table. Sheesh, Sam. Letting it lay just like that, so stubborn.

I drag himself to the garage roughly by holding his wrist, but he doesn't protest. Well, it is his job to be my driver. Just kidding. When we both arrived at the garage, I make sure first that the garrage isn't as messy as usual. Sam was about to go in, but I held him back. I want to tell him, have you ever heard of ladies first? But, nah, nevermind.

When my right feet has stepped inside the garage, my mouth gapped. I couldn't help but let out a gasp after seeing the horrible inside of the garage. The oil is spilling, making the horrible scent of it lingers around the room. I pinch my nose, not wanting to smell the horrible smell of the oil. I glance at my brother behind me, ah, nope, glaring.

"What were you thinking?" I hiss at him.

I can see the nervousness in his face perfectly. He can't hide his emotions that well, I know that. What, I know him like, nineteen years!

"Well..." Samuel started. "The thing is, that I was busy with... uh... school... so..." He grins sheepishly at me as he scratches the back of his head innocently. What a bad liar.

I shake my head, my hand against my forehead. "You're 19, Sammy. You don't have school. Well, yeah, you have university. But it's not like you're that busy, right?" I raise an eyebrow. "At least you have time to clean the garage..."

Samuel ignores me and quickly walks to the car, with his left hand gripping the key. I let out a sigh again. When he ignores me, somehow I become scared. It's not like that I'm scared of him. It's just, he's a boy, even though he's my little brother. Ugh, what am I talking about. I'm going to be crazy. I hit my head lightly.

I stare back at Samuel who is starting the car. I glance at my own car. It's a normal black car---I don't know what's the brand. I'm not up-to-date with cars these days. I think cars these days are the same. Once I heard my friends at the university talking about the newest cars. They were like, "yeah! It was cool! I want to buy that!" and "no shit, Sherlock. I'm gonna buy that!"

My thoughts about cars were interrupted by Samuel. He sounded the horn. Well, shit.

"Come on up!" He says from the inside of the car as he horns the horn... again.

"Ugh," I roll my eyes, growling slowly before walking towards the other side of the car. I go in and sit on the front, beside Sam my dear little brother.

Sam starts to step on the gas, and the car moves smoothly. I am usual by Sam's driving, and it's pretty comfortable. Sam drives smoothly. I like it.

"Where are you going again?" Sam asks again. Usual Samuel, keeps forgetting about every important things.

"The Mall," I answer as I open my black bag. This is my favorite bag. It is all black, and it has some white dots on it. It's cute. In fact, because this is my favorite bag, I rarely use it at all. But today is different---today, there will be my crush, Eric. And also, the Harries twin. I don't know which should I fangirl to first. Eric, or the Harries twin? Especially Jack. Jack Harries is my favorite Harries. Ugh...
I take my phone from my bag---it's a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, as you can see. I tap on the screen, and type the password. The password is---well, just for you, I'll tell you. It's jackharriesthebettertwin. Yeah, long, I know right. I hit enter, and the lock screen is gone; now it's the main screen. I slide my hand on the screen, one, two, three times, and hit on a folder called "Horoscopes."

"You still believe in that kind of thing?" Samuel asks. I turn my head to him, and see him rising his eyebrows, his eyes shining with doubt. I chuckle.

"Well, yeah," I shrug as I tap on my favorite horoscope application. "It's really accurate, believe me," I say as I take my eyes off him, staring back at the screen.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see him shrugging, muttering, "whatever."

"Now, what's the horoscope of today..."

Cancer {June 22 - July 22} - Daily

It seems that you worry too much this morning. It will consume times too. That could mean some trouble later, young child, so be careful, alright? Also, it seems that today will be fun day! You will meet new people, new special people, and old friends at the same time. There will be surprising events today. But don't worry, the events are good events. The last thing you want to do today is stay silent. Do not stay silent for the rest of the day---be active!

I furrow my eyebrows after finished reading my today horoscope. This can't be right? All of them are positive, except for the That could mean some trouble later. And surprising events? What surprising events? I'm confused...

Black Tiny Hand Bobblehead Bunny